*bows* my liege.... you are the wisest of sages. I am forever dedicated to your philosophy.
Age 33, Male
Kingston, ON
Joined on 7/10/06
*bows* my liege.... you are the wisest of sages. I am forever dedicated to your philosophy.
Arise, fellow ninja. May we do our best to blam as much crappy submissions as we can.
Omg we have similar names! Dont say that I copied your name either cause it's my name for everything I do on the internet, Imvu Rune Scape etc. Wow, lots of things can cause people to be retarted, I've never done any of those things though :)
WOA, that's a bit creepy but it's not like we our actual names are similar (or so I hope,)
Well, I guess we shouldn't be making any submissions or else we'd fall under my 7th example of retardism.
yes but its very simple to not do these things.
just don't make a ****ed up flash ya know?
You're a retard if you suck admin cock to just to be friends with them, get banned once, then rant at them how you're not their friend anymore.
yeah your right . but i feel i need to add a few things
your a reteard if you use indeciferable abrevviations sucha kwtowl rght ttly grtio flamabagawds ect.
your a retard if you start chain mail.
your are really retared if you believe in chain mail and send it to your "friends" who then hate you forever.
your a retard if you spam some ones entry.
i hope that cleared it up for everyone who still wasnt sure if they are a retarded after read his entry. nice job cerion.
Thanks P-willy, those are very all nice additions.
You're a retard if you've ever stolen the title of a successful series for your own crappy flash. You're too lame to come up with your own quality material so you have to resort to smearing your own aids-infected crap all over the reputation of people you envy just because they're better than you.
DAMN straight, hate those fags the most.
I wish we all would.